Our charity, and joint owner, Jaganath Food Relief (JFR), is committed to sharing nutritious sanctified food for the people who need it the most, free of charge. By focusing on children in schools who often do not have food at home, we are positively impacting the next generation of Kenyans, supporting their education, and slowly empowering them to change the world.
Started as Food For Life (Cycle for Life) in 1996, JFR has evolved over the years to become a self-sustaining entity. Our organization currently cooks, prepares and delivers over 1200 freshly cooked meals a day to underprivileged schools across Nairobi from our kitchen in Nairobi.
A portion of all profits from Jaganath Growers goes towards increasing the number of schools we can adopt. Our goal is to add at least one school a year and share a meal with each student, on every school day of the year.
You can help JFR adopt more schools by supporting Jagannath Growers or donate directly to this worthy project. To find out more about how you can get involved and make a difference today, get in touch with us.